Simple Turban Hijab Tutorial for Today
Career women usually like simple and practical, high activity need a way of dressing that is light and easy for any activity. Hijab turban often chosen so the solution, we will try a simple turban hijab tutorial below.
Turban hijab tutorial for today is simple and practical. Without supporting accessories or elaborate style and neat. To get casual style and elegance, we use black and white. The steps are: 1. Ciput be very obliged for style turban, try to avoid ciput color similar to the color of the skin to be more polite. Use scraf with tribal motifs or lines with neutral colors if you want to look casual. |
2. Wear a scarf with two sides the same length and tie the two at the top of the head.
3. Pull backward and forward carah contrary to mengencangkannya, which pulled forward miss the sight of the front of the head and pull to the right. Edge pulled back to the right also miss the back of the head.
4. arrange a meeting of its two ends on the right side and wrap tightly both. Slip the coil a turban and leaving the side of the tip as an accent. |
5. Done.
Without the aid of accessories or pins, so this practical tutorial hijab turban. Simple but can be used for formal events though. The office also feels more comfortable, you want to try?
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